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Friday, March 18, 2016

Next step, choosing...

Choosing the best of the bunch...

So I spent the better part of several hours last night pouring over the millions of photos of Horsetail Falls to try to decide which picture might be the very best one to represent Jack Diamond's first book.

It seems like such a simple task, sorting through photos.  And yet, no.

Some of the photos were easy to eliminate.  With the massive influx of rain we have had over the last several months, the waterfall was simply brim to overflowing with gorgeous Mt. Hood snowy runoff.  That said, the waterfall's "girth," so to speak, was excessively large.  As the water hit the pool beneath, the water sprayed everywhere, coating everything with mist.  My camera (my hair!) and the ground surrounding the area were all positively coated within moments.  The mist's spray created a mirky cataract-like haze over many of the pictures, thus making those easy to eliminate.

I photographed the area from several different vantage points.  I quickly eliminated all the photographs where sizable trees and limbs impeded the view of the waterfall.  I also eliminated photographs where the placement of the waterfall fell toward the right of the photo, rather than to the left.  I also eliminated photos that had a lesser view of the pool beneath the falls.

That left me with only half a gajillion photos left to choose from.

From there, I created a "rough estimated size"  I needed for the cover.  I picked a font, somewhat at random.  I picked a color for the font.  And then I started experimenting.

As the hour grew late, and then quite late, and then even later, I created four possible contenders.  Each one has its benefits and drawbacks.  I may still go back and pick one of the many, many other possible photos instead.  But at least this will give you an idea.  For those of you who want to be surprised, don't read ahead.  


I like each one of these possible book covers for different reasons.  Let's go through them one at a time, shall we?  In NO PARTICULAR ORDER.  Seriously.  I don't have a preference just yet.

I love the colors of this one.  I love the sinister feeling.  I love the rocks in the foreground.  I was standing with my feet at the water's edge, crouching down when I took this photo.  I could have taken a few short steps and slipped into the pool.  I love how violent and fast the water is flowing down toward the water.  Did I mention how much I love the colors of this one?  Great photo choice.

This cover idea is very similar to the first.  


there is a splash of water on the left hand side that bounces off the pool below, and arcs up.  To me, it looked eerie -- like a hand reaching up and out of the water.  Gave me a bit of the willies, that did.  And I like the idea of the book cover giving off the willies.  Implying something sinister.  Love the colors.  Love the deep, richness of the moss, the dark colors of the pool of water.  And the splash of the waterfalls seemed quite nice.

Here's a closeup of the eerie bit, in case you missed it.

Maybe it's just me.  Maybe I'm the only one who gets a slight shiver and a creepy, eerie feeling when I see it.  But I *do* see it.  And I *do* get a creepy, eerie feeling.  And I *LOVE* that creepy, eerie feeling sensation, whilst I flip open the cover, and start to read the first several chapters of a book.  So that is why I love this book cover idea.

On to the next one.

This photo exactly represents my perceptions of what I wanted for my cover when I set out to the falls to take photographs.  I love the depth created by this one.  I love that you can see the falls to the left, the sky to the right, the pool of water beneath, and the hiking trail that leads into and out of the pool.  I love that the font is ever so slightly bigger, and more spread out.  I love how none of the letters from the title is impeded by the waterfall.  I love how it *feels* like a book cover for me.  It's deep, and rich, and captures a lovely moment.   I like the rich, mossy colors.  I love the rounded edge of the rocks below, sweeping in toward the pool of water.  I love the rounded rock on the upper right that pulls your eyes down the path and into the water.  The falls' splash seemed to ease off just a bit as I snapped the photo.  I love how inviting it seems to take a few steps and actually touch the water, to feel the power of the water pouring down over you.  And how deadly that mistake would be.  Does the photo feel sinister? No, perhaps not.  But not all of Jack Diamond's adventures are sinister.  The innocence of the waterfall, the serenity and peace of the picture, the deadly force and power behind it could represent something else, altogether.  It's exactly right.  I love this one.

 Oh, this decision is going to be a challenge!

But wait! There's one more.

Here's the final one from which to choose:

Oh wow, I love this one for a variety of different reasons.  I love (love love *love!*) the broken limb in the foreground.  The broken limb symbolizes the sinister implications of the area.  When I took this photo, I thought of my daughter's voice in my head -- she is the queen of symbolism.  I thought about trackers who look for things like broken limbs out of place when they are hunting missing people.  Hunting missing people.  Who is hunting? The good guys?  The bad guy?  That broken limb just feels so right to me.  

 I love that the waterfall isn't quite in focus, and yet, the falls are still the focal point of the photo.  Oh so much I love about this option.  I love the colors.  I love the shallow waters in the front, and the deep, very deep, misleadingly deep pool behind.  Absolutely perfect for the book cover.

So there you have it folks, four possible ideas for book covers.  I won't be making my decision quite yet.  There are still a few more things behind the scenes that need to happen before I'm ready.  But putting together these book cover drafts truly gave me a lot to think about.

Do you have a preference?

* * * * *

1 comment:

  1. I like the last one best! At first I liked the first and 3rd ones but then when I opened them up in the full screen the last one seemed to have the best layout. My 2 cents! :-)
