Friday, October 27, 2017


So I haven't updated my blog lately...

I've been a bit busy.

Here's a quick update for those of you who may be interested.

Book number two in the Jack Diamond murder mystery series is underway!

If you haven't yet read the first book, click here, or go to the link below.

Jack Diamond is about eight chapters into his investigation into a missing person's case at this point. That's very exciting. The writing is going very quickly, and is only interrupted by, well, life. Busy, busy life. Alas. He sits there and waits ever so patiently for me to finish my regular day-to-day stuff so that he can go on and find out what's happened to our poor missing person.

 I won't provide spoilers about Jack and Claire or the missing person's investigation or any of that, because some spoilers simply spoil the fun.  But I will tell you that in this next book, on the sidelines, you're going to get to go and hang out with Jack's brother (ooh! He's still alive!). And you're going to meet Andi, with an i, not a y, an i. She's amazing, and you're going to love her. And no, she's not a love interest for Jack. Just sayin'. Didn't want any die-hard Claire/Jack fans to freak out. :)

I am hoping to have the book finished and ready to be published this Spring. 
All signs point to this being very, very probable. 
Maybe even sooner, if I can stop being ever so busy and just sit down and write!

But for now, the Week of Pie is coming (aka Thanksgiving), and Christmas isn't long after that. I'll try to post a few recipes here and there for those of you who enjoy that kind of thing. 

Meanwhile, I'm off to go bake a cake!

* * * * *

I wrote a murder mystery!  Here is the link so you can buy it:

You can buy my book in both e-book and paperback on Amazon here: