Monday, September 10, 2018

Jack Diamond Book 2 latest update

A Jack Diamond, Book 2 update and teasers!

It's been a LONG while since I sent out updates... as I've said a million times before, life has been busy. I keep thinking summer will be the months when life slows down and I'll be able to GET STUFF DONE.

Alas, no.

But for those of you who are anxiously awaiting the second book, I have news!

Jack Diamond, book number two is officially off to the editor! Yay! Hopefully the rewrites will be relatively minor and pain-free. We'll see. This part of the book writing process is so tedious for me. I hate waiting around. As a completionist, I find it tediously difficult to start the next round of projects until the first round is done. I can't start book number three until book number two has been put upon the shelves. And I can't finish book number two until the edits come back. But, I can't sit around doing nothing.

So, now that the book is out of my hands, I have tackled a few other tasks. Like making four hundred batches of salsa. And eating three thousand cookies. And decluttering the office. Well, to be fair, the office decluttering project isn't close to being done. But I've made massive amounts of progress, and if you'd SEEN my office before, you'd be impressed. Truly. Of course, if you see it now, you'll say, 'Geez, woman, you need to declutter your office!' And alas, you'd be right. But I can at least procrastinate on the rest of the office decluttering today, because this next round of tomatoes has GOT to get into salsa, or they'll all rot on the plants!

But as for the book itself, yesterday I spent the day with the favorite hubby taking photos for the new book cover! It was such a lovely day, and right around the time that my fictional character may, or may not, have disappeared. If and when these salsa jars are tucked onto the shelves, I'll start putzing around with potential book cover demos. I might just even post a few here as teasers!

Meanwhile, I'll leave you with a little treat for those of you who have been wondering just what the title of Jack Diamond mystery number two shall be. And it is thus:

No One Noticed

Have a great week!

* * * * *

I wrote a murder mystery!  Here is the link so you can buy it:

You can buy my book in both e-book and paperback on Amazon here: