I've been getting daily requests for updates on my book, so I thought I'd post another update to appease the masses. Okay, so they're weeeee masses. But still.
No One Noticed is coming along swimmingly!
As of this afternoon I have just finished editing 20 chapters!!! Yay!!!
But then I made the wretched mistake of looking at the whole manuscript and realizing, well, rats. That's only 1/3 of the way through.
The nice thing about the process, however, is that my writing improves greatly from the beginning to the end, (according to my editor, and well, to be honest, I just happen to agree,) so the editing should move through a lot more smoothly as I go along.
The sad thing is that I still have 2/3 of the way to make it through before handing off the entire manuscript to editor #2.
So. Alas.
I have already resigned to the fact that I will need to edit the major dates in the book to accommodate 2019 rather than 2018. And that's a big bummer. Not too much of a pain, though, but I dearly hoped the book would be out before the end of the summer last year, and that obviously didn't happen.
One cannot rush a genius at work here, folks!!
(pause for guffawed laughter)
Anywhooooo... that's it for the updates. I'll send up another flare when I reach the half way through mark.
Until then, may you learn the art of patience! And distraction! And amusement!
Can I interest you in a digression?
Go listen to Ologies, a FANTASTIC podcast by Alie Ward. She is currently my most fav podcast I've ever listened to. Absolutely fascinating, insightful, amusing, and just wow.
Go to this link here: Ologies on Itunes
Or perhaps you can go and look up large African snails that have bunny faces?
(picture has a link)
Just get out there, learn something interesting, and get up your giddyup in excitement and anticipation for book number two in the Jack Diamond Murder Mysteries!
* * * * *
I wrote a murder mystery! Here is the link so you can buy it:
You can buy my book in both e-book and paperback on Amazon here: