Saturday, February 2, 2019

Jack Diamond and Harry Potter

For those of you who are waiting anxiously for me to finish No One Noticed, the Jack Diamond sequel, I have some bummer news for you. Don't worry, it's happy news for me. And it will eventually result in happy news for you too.

So here's the deal.

I took December off to scamper about and frolic amongst the flours (and sugars), making all sorts of tasty treats for the hubs and his coworkers, and family, and well, let's face it, me too. 

So January came around and I thought for sure I'd get to my editing.

But alas, no.

So here it is, February, and it's time to go on vacation.

So, the editing continues to wait for me.

And that means Jack Diamond and all his friends are waiting too.

But here comes the good news:

Harry Potter, Mickey Mouse and I are going to play together in Florida next week, and for this I am super duper ally ooper excited. Even more excited that I didn't have to pay for the trip! Because, well, let's be honest. Who has money for an expensive vacation when they haven't been paid for their second book which they haven't finished?!? Hmmmm.

Yes, this is a work trip too.

So, even though I am not finished (um, well, haven't really gotten past chapter two) with the editing, I can tell you that I shall be working on the edits on the plane rides. And if the weather back east is any prediction, I'm guessing I'm going to get stuck somewhere during a layover for enormous lengths of time, and will have nothing to do but write, write, write and edit, edit, edit. So yay for you!!

AND, after this lovely time in sunny 76º weather, whilst all the rest of the world is shivering in -30º something or other, I shall come home rested and relaxed and filled to the brim with chocolate.

As one should.

When one returns from vacation.

So, to answer your questions, no, I don't have an estimated time of arrival on the book. And yes, I know that I am now officially so far behind I'm going to have to change the dates in the book (note to self, don't forget to change the dates in the book).

But hey, when a (mostly) free trip to visit Harry Potter and Mickey Mouse arises,
you just don't say no.

Even if you have to work a wee bit.

While at the pool.

Eating chocolate.

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I wrote a murder mystery!  Here is the link so you can buy it:

You can buy my book in both e-book and paperback on Amazon here:  

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