Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Update for the month of July. Eeeps!

Hello all!

I'm back from Alaska and it's a mad dash to the finish line to get Jack Diamond book number two, No One Noticed, out the door and off for final proofs. I have two solid weeks to try to finish this beast before I head back to Alaska, so, of course, my brain is completely mush.

I am currently struggling with the final draft. We're fighting, the two of us. This draft of mine and I are currently not on speaking terms. I tried to explain this hiccup to a couple of folks who have been begging for me to finally finish. I explained to them that it's like going down a hallway, and getting that eerie feeling that something isn't right. And when you go back through the hallway to grab something ten minutes later, you notice a ginormous spider just chillin on the hallway wall, trying to decide whether or not it's going to launch itself upon your neck and begin gnawing at your jugular. Creepy.

Something is nagging at me regarding this (second to the last) final draft, and I can't figure out what it is.

This afternoon I went back through the middle section of the manuscript, and started writing down what happens in each chapter. Piece by piece, chapter by chapter.

I did discover that I took an enormously long time with one particular section. So perhaps it needs revision. I also noticed that another section has a bit of a hmmmmm to it. So I have to go back and review that too. And then one last final section seemed a bit odd.  So maybe I have three big sections to go through before putting out the final proofs for final edits.

And then doubt starts to nag at the back of my mind, and I start wondering if something is actually wrong with my manuscript. Or, and more likely, perhaps my perfectionism is getting the best of me, messing with my mind, making me doubt myself.

I hate struggling with insecurity when it comes to my writing. I know this is a good book. It's a great book, actually. And I quite like it. Almost even more so than my first Jack Diamond mystery. The story is awesome. Character development is top notch. So what's eating at me? What's gnawing at my conscious? What kind of big hairy spider is awaiting me, perched upon the walls of my mind's hallways, ready to pounce?

Well, I don't really know the answers to these questions. But I do know that I will get a better night's sleep tonight, and I will be up and about first thing in the morning to crack this nut.

Meanwhile, I'm off to go play with cover proofs and occupy myself with other such nonsense.

Apologies once again for the long delays. It's going to come out soon, folks. I promise.

Pinky swear.

That's it for today's update.

Hopefully I'll have more for you soon.

Until then, have a great day!

* * * * *

I wrote a murder mystery!  Here is the link so you can buy it:

You can buy my book in both e-book and paperback on Amazon here:  

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