Saturday, August 13, 2016

College Lists -- what to bring

We are fast approaching that time of year when one must start mucking out the kiddos' rooms, getting ready to send them off to college.

These days, each college has its own unique list of things that they will supply your incoming college freshman.  They also have their own list of things that they recommend that your college student brings along with them.  

Many of these items can be bought online, and delivered to your student's college.  Online shopping and often *free* delivery charges can greatly help with packing, particularly when you're sending your college student across the country.

Some colleges and universities also have a *do NOT bring these items* list.  Make sure that you check out your college's restrictions before arrival.

From what I remember, a million bajillion years ago when I first went off to college, dorm rooms are SMALL.  Take only those MUST NEED items with you.  You can always buy more once you arrive.  OR, online shop after dropping off your kids, and have the items shipped directly to them.

If, however, you have found your child a mansion, er, I mean, a spacious dorm room to live in, which can hold each and every thing they could possibly need or want, I have made up a fairly comprehensive list.

I think I've covered just about everything other than a bed, mattress, desk, desk lamp, and garbage can.  But I was assuming (and you know what it means to assume!) that the colleges and universities traditionally provide those items.

So here you go!

I made this into a PDF file to easily fit on one page for printing, but for the life of me I can't seem to get the PDF file to upload.  So here are two larger versions of the list to make it easier for you to see.

Did I leave anything out?  I'm sure I have...  Alas.  Amazon, here I come!

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I wrote a book!  You can buy it here:

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