Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kitchen remodel - Day 1

Kitchen Remodel 
Day 1

So at long last, our kitchen remodel has begun.  For those of you who haven't been following along, here's what you missed:

Our new dishwasher leaked, ruined the hardwood floors, and destroyed the integrity of our kitchen cabinets.  Sigh.  Our homeowner's insurance is helping us to foot the bill, and we've started the process of gutting the kitchen and starting again.

Day 1:  Demolition

Destroying our kitchen was a dramatic affair.  In one short day we went from all to nothing.  We've been planning the renovation for a few months.  After the leak, we went through a long and tedious process of finding (and firing) a contractor, working with the insurance company, picking out exactly what we want for our new kitchen, and prepping the rest of the downstairs for the changes.

This is an old picture, but gives you a pretty good idea of what we started out with:

(Sidebar:  It's funny to me to see this picture now:  I painted the WHOLE kitchen yellow.  In the pictures below, when the cupboards are removed, you can see that I really painted VERY little of the kitchen yellow.) 

The night before demolition, we removed all the contents of our kitchen cupboards, and moved everything into our mini studio apartment in what was formerly known as the office.  See the following two blog entries for more details:  Preparing for the remodel (part 1) and Preparing for the remodel (part 2)

The next morning, the guys came in and demolition begin.  First, they removed the cabinets:

 See how VERY little of the kitchen is actually painted yellow?  Cracks me up.

Next they removed the soffit, the lowered ceiling.  The only problem was, they weren't expecting the ceiling to be filled with extra insulation.  Look ma, it snowed pink!

Then with a bit of clean up and some plastic wrap to create our Dexter Kill Room, er, I mean, our plastic wrapped off studio apartment, they were done with Day 1.

From inside our hermetically sealed studio

From here on out, the changes will be less and less dramatic.  But we're making progress!! Yay us!!

* * * *

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