Saturday, July 23, 2016

Yet one more step in the process

Things are moving along in the book business!

So for those of you who don't yet know, I wrote a book.

Yay me!!

Well, actually, I wrote a manuscript.  And now I'm going through the tedious process 
of turning that manuscript into a book.

Writing (and publishing) a book is OH SO MUCH MORE than simply sitting down and writing a manuscript.  It didn't take me terribly long to actually sit down and write my first draft.  But now, it seems, is the horrifically long process of waiting for edits to come back, making the changes, going through rounds two (and three! and four!) of additional edits, writing up book blurbs (the lovely descriptions on the book covers), coming up with a decent photo, writing a blurb about myself (oh, so much harder than writing the manuscript!), and then playing around on the computer all day making up logos, and business cards, and bumper stickers and t-shirts and hats and and and and and and...

And, whilst Amazon and Kindle are amazing at helping first time writers to get their works out into the Great Big World, the process itself is rather intimidating, and time consuming, and terrifying, and thrilling -- all at the same time.

So I shall continue to pace the floors and fret and stress whilst waiting for my final edits to come through.  And I shall spend my time designing book covers and worry over which profit margin to choose, and whether or not I want to allow my books to be translated into other languages.  Because THAT is a LOT of fun.  And when the days grow long and the nights grow short, and the whole nonsense gets to be too much, I shall browse Netflix for actors who could possibly make a good fit for my characters -- just so that I'm all ready when the day comes when my book becomes a Big Hit and they want to turn it into a MOVIE!

And then hopefully, very soon, some day, very close to today, I shall have my book for sale on Amazon.  And you can begin reading the adventures of Detective Jack Diamond as he traipses about Portland, Oregon saving the world from bad guys.

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