Monday, August 25, 2014

House Renovations - Before and Afters

House Renovations - Before and Afters

Our house renovations are complete!!

Well, almost complete.  There are a few *very minor* paint touch ups to do.  And then there are the four closet doors that I had removed from the kids' bedrooms and stored in the garage that I need to sand, stain, and varnish.  We'll never use them, but when we go to sell the house in 20 years, I'm sure they'll want doors that match the rest of the house.  And then there's the outside door to the garage to sand and prep for painting.  That sweet hubby of mine threw me under the bus on that one.  The painter complained that it would take a LONG time to prep the door to paint, and would cost a LOT of money to do so.  Since I've done all the rest of the doors in the house, and it didn't take TOO much time or effort, my hubby offered up my services in hopes of saving us a few bucks.  Yay me. 

SO!  The moment you've all been waiting for!!!

I have spent the better part of the morning playing around with my computer and making before/after photos of the house renovations.  I LOVED going through all the really old photos from when we first moved in and "tried" to make changes from the original house owner's decorating ideas to create our own.  Some of our changes were okay.  Others, not so much.  I hope you have as much fun looking through them as I did!

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