Friday, June 6, 2014

Kitchen Remodel (Day 9) - Installing the new window

Kitchen Remodel (Day 9) - Installing the new window

My one disappointment in the whole renovation has been the installation of the new window.  When the contractor told me that we'd have to have a new window installed, my first instinct was to say, "Yay me!"  I've never liked the side to side windows.  I much prefer the up and down sort.  Needless to say, things were going fine until he pointed out that it would have to be several inches shorter than our current window.  Fine, I thought, several inches isn't that big of a deal.  But it turns out that several to his Hungarian mind was closer to 7 inches, and several to my non-Hungarian mind was three or four.  

The result?  A much too small window, closing off what limited light we already have.  Sniffle.  I'm very disappointed in the window.  And no, we couldn't send it back, because they'd already installed it and taken off the packaging before I realized what a tragic loss of light we'd discovered.  So alas, we're stuck with a smaller window for now.  I'd actually contemplated making the window a three-long window, to let even MORE light in, but then we realized that would require more effort and electricity moving, etc., and so forth.  And my contractor is going on vacation to St. Martin in a week, and I'm wondering if we should just give in and give up.  Is it REALLY too late to have a bigger window installed?  Is now REALLY the time?  I don't know, I don't know, I don't know!!

But here are the pics, and you can see for yourself.

I should really get a bigger window, shouldn't I??  Shouldn't I??

* * * * *

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